TOKYO β Shimo-Akatsuka 1
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If you are looking for a share house in Tokyo, TOKYO<β> is your best choice. We have over 1,200 safe and secure apartments in Tokyo.
If you're looking to start life in Tokyo, you might want to begin with a temporary residence.
Rent only the amount of living space that you think you will need, and share the rest of the facilities with others.
The money saved can be invested for your future.
Moreover, we have over 1,200 safe and secure properties in Tokyo that you can easily relocate to.
Find an apartment that suits your lifestyle and helps fulfill your dreams.
It all starts with TOKYO BETA.
We are providing services that make life easier with just one application, expand share mobility stations, and prepare a crowdfunding support system to approach your dream
Updated from time to time
Smart Key
Resident-only application
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